Saturday, December 8, 2007


Dream 1: Drive an ATV (All Terrain Vehicle)

Dream 2: Get a sports bike

Dream 3: Drive a golf cart inside a mall and airport (Hong Kong airport, preferably)

Dream 4: Celebrate the Eucharist but the host has to be pizza crust and the wine--tomato sauce with ground beef

Dream 5: Go to Japan with an unlimited supply of pocket money for at least a week >:)

Dream 6: Go to outer space

Dream 7: Be as good as a drawer as manga artists

Dream 8: Write a fiction book/manga that really sells

Dream 9: Learn how to play the guitar

Dream 10: Learn how to play the piano

Dream 11: Learn how to play the harmonica

Dream 12: Be a good singer

Dream 13: Become a great cook

Dream 14: Be a lawyer as good as the DEVIL

Dream 15: Be a doctor worshipped as a GOD

Dream 16: Be a architect/engineer that’s just plain worshipped

Dream 17: Get rich – Maybe 1B dollars would be fine

Dream 18: Build and design my own mansion

Dream 19: Make my own hotel

Dream 20: Live in a hotel's presidential suite for the rest of my life

Dream 21: Taste all the food in the world

Dream 22: Sleep with all the beautiful women in the world

Dream 23: Make my own school then I'll make it the best goddamn school in the world!

Dream 24: Learn how to fight

Dream 25: Learn how to use a sword (preferably katana, which, by the way, is the best kind of sword according to Mythbusters)

Dream 26: Beat my fear of the dark to a pulp

Dream 27: Learn not to be afraid of death

That’s a helluva lot of dreams, if I do say so myself. Looking at all of it, life is definitely too short! It kinda makes me wish I know what will happen after my big day. Of course life goes on. I know that. But I don’t want to accept that. Life shouldn’t go on with out me. As long as there’s still something that I want to do, God or whoever is up there should just kick back, relax, shut up, and let me do all the stupid things I wanna do!


Yeah well… I wish. Mainly ‘coz I really dunno what will happen. I would love to be one of those guys who didn’t care if they realized their dreams or not. Maybe being mayabang (cocky in Tagalog) and just plain arrogant enough to think that the whole world revolves around me is the best way to go on with life. I mean, if I didn’t care what happened as long as I’m happy then, I’d definitely be happy, no doubt about it. But no, I’m not like that. I want my dreams to come true. I want to be rich. I want to great. I want to be loved by everyone.

I have but a shroud of doubt in my mind that that’s impossible though. I probably can’t get ALL I want (Although I should ‘coz… why not?). So I think I’ll pick one that I REALLY want. I’ll pick one little dream that I have from the list that I will make sure to happen, but which one? There’s so many to choose from: making my own hotel; tasting all the food in the world; getting really really really rich; sleeping with all the beautiful women of the world. It’s not that easy to chose, I’m tellin’ ‘ya.

Hmmm… Ah! How ‘bout this it’s not on the list ‘coz I thought about it just now… (This’ll get really cheesy so those of you who don’t like cheesy endings, turn back now and just be happy with a open ending XD)

I just wanna die with a BIG GRIN ON MY FACE! :-P


Sam said...

i love your dream 5, 11, 21, and the last one! XD

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