Monday, July 30, 2007


There was one particular story that was shared to us by our teacher, a philisophy graduate of the Ateneo de Manila:

A Philisophy teacher held his examination in a empty room. He invited one student inside and started the test. He told the student, "Prove to me that the chair exists."

Seeing a chair in front of him, the student started spouting out all sorts of philisophical ideas to prove that the chair exists. After all his arguments and proving was over, the teacher said, "No, you still haven't proved to me that the chair exists." With that, the professor sent the student out, then he invited yet another student inside the room. For a while, all the students was not able to produce a satisfying answer but all that stopped when one particular student entered the room.

Once again, the professor asked, "Proved to me that the chair exists." He held his classlist and waited for the student to answer. He was wondering what kind of philosophical argument the student would make. Apparently, he wasn't seeing any hope of hearing a right answer. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, a chair came flying towards his head. Sprawled on the ground, the professor heard a faint whisper, "You feel that boy? Hurt's doesn't it? If, for some wacked out reason, you didn't know, CHAIRS hurt when you get hit by 'em" Just before he fainted, the professor marked a big A next to the student's name.

Smart kid huh?

Obviously, that wasn't the real ending. What the student actually answered was...

"What chair?" The professor almost pointed to the chair sitting in front of him when he realized what the student had answered. The professor marked a big 'A' beside the student's name and let him go home.

For those who didn't get it, by asking: "What chair?" The professor was forced to point out the chair he was referring to thus, the student turned the tables around and made the professor prove to himself that the chair exists.

I don't know if the kid really thought about that answer or if he simply wanted to ask which chair the professor was referring to and just got lucky. Nevertheless, if he did mean to ask that question to perfectly answer the professor, then (due to the lack of a better expression) OMG (Oh My God)!

It's a perfect example of open-mindedness and thinking outside the box. If everyone would approach every problem with the same level of swift intellectual thinking then world peace woundn't be but a distant dream.

On a seperate note,

Hitting the professor with the chair was also a correct answer. Although, it would've knocked him unconcious and if it didn't, you would've just gotten him mad. Swinging the chair is a good answer but repercussions follow it. Finding the best answer is a different story.

The country, as it is now, should find and foster people who can find the best answer because we desperately need them. Hopefully, when these people emerge, an unfortunate incident like Agapito Flores' won't be repeated.

Monday, July 23, 2007

To believe or not to believe--That is the question

Our president just held a SONA (State of the Nation Address) today. I didn't really hear the most of it but one line stuck to me: "Graft can't be gone in one night but we're making progress." I don't think I have to explain the irony of the that particular line to anyone. I hate that line... every word of it. Imagine the arrogance and cockiness of that person. You can't say that we're close to eradicating graft! Are you saying that you CAN eliminate graft... don't make me laugh. Try talking a walk out of you comfortable air-conditioned room for a change.

Yes... I know... Some of you may disagree with my completely arrogant one-side evaluation and rant with regards to my dear president's speech. We'll, there isn't really anything you can do about it cause a guy's allowed to state his/her opinions as long as he/she doesn't humiliate the victim enough to get himself/herself shot the next day. But, imagine a person saying he won't copy your homework and then, lo and behold, when your not looking he snatches your math paper and starts copying away. Who in the right mind would believe him/HER ever again? 'nuff said

Sunday, July 15, 2007

What defines me?

This year is my last year as a high school student. Consequently, this year of freedom and excitement comes with college application forms and exams. Speaking of application forms, the Ateneo de Manila application form requires an essay answering the question: 'What defines me?'

At first, I thought it was a really stupid question. I was thinking, "Wouldn't it be better to ask a question like, 'what is the meaning of life' or 'what would you do with great knowledge and power'?" Then, the more I thought about the question, the more I appreciated it. It seemed to make me think about what I had done in the past; what good and bad deeds I did; the things I let happen; other instances that I regret. Is this review of conscience what the big guys of the school board intended? Maybe...

So what does define me as a person?

I wanted to be a bit philosophical and look cool by saying, "Every single day defines me as person. Humans are beings of evolution and thus, change. Every person I encounter; Every move I make; Every decision I decide; Every drop of rain that falls on my head transforms me into something better." Although what I just said is very true, it's obvious that I'm just making something up because I don't have any life-changing moments that I can share. I've search deep into my memory of something that changed me as a person but they're either so boring that I they'll bore myself to death or they just don't fit the situation.

Life is a mystery. Even if we do change and improve our skills and talents to the point of perfection, some miraculous event would occur and beat that cockiness out of us. It happens to all of us. So, what defines a person then if we can't reach perfection? What can be your one single trait that will only belong to you, ergo defines you? It makes my head hurt just thing about it @_@

In the end, all that matters is love. I heard that or maybe read that somewhere; I forget. All that matters is love. So maybe that's the answer. Love