Saturday, December 8, 2007


Dream 1: Drive an ATV (All Terrain Vehicle)

Dream 2: Get a sports bike

Dream 3: Drive a golf cart inside a mall and airport (Hong Kong airport, preferably)

Dream 4: Celebrate the Eucharist but the host has to be pizza crust and the wine--tomato sauce with ground beef

Dream 5: Go to Japan with an unlimited supply of pocket money for at least a week >:)

Dream 6: Go to outer space

Dream 7: Be as good as a drawer as manga artists

Dream 8: Write a fiction book/manga that really sells

Dream 9: Learn how to play the guitar

Dream 10: Learn how to play the piano

Dream 11: Learn how to play the harmonica

Dream 12: Be a good singer

Dream 13: Become a great cook

Dream 14: Be a lawyer as good as the DEVIL

Dream 15: Be a doctor worshipped as a GOD

Dream 16: Be a architect/engineer that’s just plain worshipped

Dream 17: Get rich – Maybe 1B dollars would be fine

Dream 18: Build and design my own mansion

Dream 19: Make my own hotel

Dream 20: Live in a hotel's presidential suite for the rest of my life

Dream 21: Taste all the food in the world

Dream 22: Sleep with all the beautiful women in the world

Dream 23: Make my own school then I'll make it the best goddamn school in the world!

Dream 24: Learn how to fight

Dream 25: Learn how to use a sword (preferably katana, which, by the way, is the best kind of sword according to Mythbusters)

Dream 26: Beat my fear of the dark to a pulp

Dream 27: Learn not to be afraid of death

That’s a helluva lot of dreams, if I do say so myself. Looking at all of it, life is definitely too short! It kinda makes me wish I know what will happen after my big day. Of course life goes on. I know that. But I don’t want to accept that. Life shouldn’t go on with out me. As long as there’s still something that I want to do, God or whoever is up there should just kick back, relax, shut up, and let me do all the stupid things I wanna do!


Yeah well… I wish. Mainly ‘coz I really dunno what will happen. I would love to be one of those guys who didn’t care if they realized their dreams or not. Maybe being mayabang (cocky in Tagalog) and just plain arrogant enough to think that the whole world revolves around me is the best way to go on with life. I mean, if I didn’t care what happened as long as I’m happy then, I’d definitely be happy, no doubt about it. But no, I’m not like that. I want my dreams to come true. I want to be rich. I want to great. I want to be loved by everyone.

I have but a shroud of doubt in my mind that that’s impossible though. I probably can’t get ALL I want (Although I should ‘coz… why not?). So I think I’ll pick one that I REALLY want. I’ll pick one little dream that I have from the list that I will make sure to happen, but which one? There’s so many to choose from: making my own hotel; tasting all the food in the world; getting really really really rich; sleeping with all the beautiful women of the world. It’s not that easy to chose, I’m tellin’ ‘ya.

Hmmm… Ah! How ‘bout this it’s not on the list ‘coz I thought about it just now… (This’ll get really cheesy so those of you who don’t like cheesy endings, turn back now and just be happy with a open ending XD)

I just wanna die with a BIG GRIN ON MY FACE! :-P

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Alligator River

*I'll take a break from anime for a while...

Here’s a story for ‘ya...

Gregory and Abigail are in love with each other but with every love, there’s a catch. You see the two’s houses are separated by an alligator infested river. They were just about to profess their love to each other but the night before, a storm struck and demolished the only bridge that connected their sides of the river. Without the bridge, they weren’t able to be with each other.

Now there was another way to get across the river—a boat. Only Sinbad, the boat’s owner and captain, when approached by Abigail asking him to get her across the river, asked for a little something in return for his services. Well... being a lonesome, weary, tired guy that he is... he demanded sex in exchange for the boat ride. Of course Abigail rejected the idea of sleeping with another man so she approached a friend of hers—Ivan.

Ivan, being a colossal and swell friend that he is, refused to take part in such a melodramatic love story of Abigail’s and gave no help at all. Finding no other solution, Abigail reluctantly accepted Sinbad’s offer and then found herself at the other side of the river the next day. She didn’t spend the night before at her place of course...

Feeling all gleeful and jovial, Abigail rushed to Gregory’s side. Now Abigail was honest and confessed what had cost her to get to that side of the river. Upon hearing this, Gregory casted her aside and demanded that she leave and never see him again. Abigail burst into tears and told Gregory on Slug, another one of her friends. This friend, fitting his name, was all about fists. Immediately after hearing Abigail’s account, he barged in on Gregory and beat him up good. The last scene is Abigail laughing at Gregory’s body beaten to a pulp.

Okay… well… this was a story shared by our guidance counselor. We were made to rank all the characters (Abigail, Gregory, Sinbad, Ivan, Slug) according to who we saw as the most terrible. Well terrible wasn’t really the word but it’s close. Anyway, my classmates and I ranked away. After about five minutes, we were split into groups to discuss our rankings of the characters. Most of us agreed that Ivan was the most terrible and worthless of all because he did absolutely nothing to help. Some friend right? I mean, the only reason he gave was he didn’t want to get involved. He should have at least given some piece of advice. Now where we didn’t get along was who was the least terrible. Most of my classmates answered Slug, Gregory, or Abigail. I answered Sinbad. I actually think I was the only one who answered Sinbad.

WTF?! Why the hell would I pick Sinbad as the least most terrible guy, right? After all, why the fuck would he ask for sex in exchange for a fucking boat ride unless he was some sort of blackmailing rapist bastard that deserves to go to hell, right? SEX from someone who already loves someone! That just means you LIKE seeing others suffer. He could’ve just asking for some cash or something! Yeah well… that’s what most of my classmates thought.

Now here’s what I think: YEAH! Sinbad is probably some sicko but he’s way better than Ivan who did nothing; way better than Gregory who disowned his love just because she had sex with someone else; way better than Slug who just punches someone just because his friend told him to (I think he would punch a fucking tank if Abigail told him the tank was making fun of her XD); and way better than Abigail who made a friend beat up the one she loved just because he was out of his mind for a second and shouted at her when he discovered that she slept with another man (What great love you have Abigail! It only lasted when the guy loved you back? Oh wow… I think you should look back at your mom and remember how she nursed you to health when you got sick even when you sneaked out of the house behind her back just to get to a party where everyone just gets drunk XD).

Sinbad was offering a trade: my boat for your body. Nothing illegal about that. Abigail could’ve simply denied. She could’ve made her own boat. Hell, why was Abigail the only one looking for a way to cross the river? What was Gregory doing? Sinbad made an offer and it was accepted. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. For all we know, maybe he was testing how much Abigail loved Gregory. “Do she love him enough?” could have been the test he had in mind. All love stories have a scene where the love team finds a big problem between them… a test some may say. If their love can’t withstand their test, then they are simply not meant to be.

In my opinion, the real problem is with Gregory. Apparently a woman is only as good as her virginity in his universe. **warning… I’m gonna get pretty vulgar here… I’ll even throw in a bit of blasphemy so skip the bold part if you don’t like those things. I have a really annoying time when I see scenes where the guy finds his lover got raped and because of that he doesn’t love her anymore. I mean… WHAT THE HELL?! DO YOU FUCKING THINK LOVE = SEX? Grow up kid! If love was about sex, Jesus would’ve died having sex with all the people in the world. Damn idiot XD. If Gregory did love Abigail, he would’ve seen that Abigail let herself go just to be with him. That took more love and courage than anything else he could’ve cooked up. IMAGINE! A girl willing to have sex with a complete stranger just because she loves you and is willing to do anything to be with you.

Sinbad is the hero here. He saw through the phony love and split it apart before it hurt anyone else.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Chop Squad

Moon on the Water (Full moon sways) - Sowelu
(Click on the link to listen to the music--You windows media player will open and play the music once you follow the link)

Full moon sways
Gentle in the night of one fine day
On my way
Looking for a moment with my dear
Full moon waves
Gentle on the surface of the lake
You are there
Smiling in my arms for all those years

What a fool! I don’t know about tomorrow
What it’s like to be
I was sure, couldn’t let myself to go
Even though I feel… the end

Oh my fair
Floating like a bird that’s in her wings
You are there
Smiling in my arms for all those years

If you liked the song, you’d better watch Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad. Although their only singing less than half of the time in the series, the songs are pretty good. I highly recommend Face—on of the few songs in the series.

The art is pretty good but it isn’t really my type. Good in terms of it isn’t childish and there aren’t any overly exaggerated body parts (i.e. eyes are not humungous)

The plot though, is not what I would call thrilling although there are some (quite a few little) good moments. There are 26 episodes but the story progresses quite slowly and it got me bored at some points so for those who hate such, don’t bother with the story and just listen to the music.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Kaze no Stigma (Stigma of the Wind)

Too much homework, projects, and work? Not getting enough out of your daily dose of action, suspense, and of course good ol’ anime fan service? Gonzo (the animators), Takahiro Yamato (the writer), and Hanamaru Nanto (the artist) brings you Kaze no Stigma to suck all of that damn dullness out of your life and shove down a package of kick-ass fight scenes and beautiful short-skirted women. What can I say? Blood and Sex sells XD

I could start by narrating the whole plot and love affairs going on in this series but you can get that anywhere so I’ll get straight to the point—is it any good? ( - it's actually a good place to find summaries, plots, character and episode info on anime series' and mangas.


There really is not much of a storyline

The leading lady who is supposed to be cute, pretty, and hands-down desirable is…not

The series starts to focus on how the Kannagi headmaster tries to get Ayano and Kazuma together after five episodes or so meaning, less blood.


The protagonist of the series, Kazuma, is probably the most bad-ass character you’ve ever seen not to mention he’s greedy and self-centered. He’s a very entertaining character to watch; on the count of he’s eeeeeevil! On the flip side, he is very mature.

The color is vibrant and lively--art is great, which of course also means the women are gorgeous.

The action is great but sadly it gets a bit dull as the series progress.

Extra Info

The love team, Ayano x Kazuma, are cousins. (Not illegal in Japan…)

My Opinion:

A pretty solid series but the only thing going for it was its action but the slope of merciless killings and mind-blowing fight scenes dramatically declined as the story progressed. The relationship of the love team also really takes its time to blossom so fillers aren’t that interesting. In conclusion, if you’re looking for some evil action, watch the first few episodes and then look for something else.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


*Oh yeah, I’ll also start on using an idea I just thought of now. I’ll be inserting some of my two cents which will consist mainly of rants and uncensored material to my articles. You’ll be able to identify them by the boldness of the font and a ‘XD’ sign at the end of the rant.

A friend and I decided to make our blog sort of an anime discussion-type of blog so I’ll be starting off by giving a brief background of the Japanese style of drawing.

First of, Anime (アニメーション) is a coined term derived from the word ‘animation’. Works of animation that comes from Japan been called thus ever since it was introduced to the west. Anime was actually born from Japanese artists that studied drawing techniques and forms in France, Germany, Russia, and the United States during the 20th Century.

In the Philippines, I was first introduced to anime by the likes of T.V. series’ such as Dragon Ball, Ghost Fighter (Yu Yu Hakusho), and the like. Although, I have no doubt that these particular shows mesmerized the whole world as well. Ever since then, the number of anime series’ has multiplied faster than the Philippines’ population (that’s really fast). Presently, shows like Black Cat, One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Air Gear, Suzuka, Ouran Host Club, and many others have lured us to worlds of fantasy. But when looking back to Anime past, it would be a tragic oversight to miss what started it all—Astro Boy.

The 1950’s is a landmark of anime history. After years of polishing artists, Japan bore Osamu Tezuka, the ‘god of manga’. He opened the gates to a brand new era of animation with a little robot child named Astro Boy. The series, in my opinion, seemed a lot like ‘Superman’ of the west. Both of the characters were different from the people whom they protected with special powers. Both of them was able to fly; both were immune to bullets; and of course, both of these courageous idols of the community wore their briefs outside ever so proudly. In fact, their only obvious difference would be their age gap and composition—Astro boy is a robot or rather an android while Superman is well… a man. Alien man, if you’re such an OC (Obsesive Compulsive) for specifics. Leaving that issue at the side, Astro Boy spearheaded the anime industry and started the surge of anime popularity that has taken the world by storm until this very day.

Concerning the style of anime, it’s quite a controversial issue that a lot of artists today are mimicking this style and as a result, lost touch with realism and tradition artistry. Really now, how stupid is that? Why the hell are they nosing in to other people’s business? If they want to draw anime, L-E-T T-H-E-M B-E dammit! We only get one life. I don’t think it’s ‘productive’ to force people to do something they DON’T want to do XD. A rough overview of anime drawing technique would be… distortion, in artistic terms. The body parts of people are exaggerated. But when I say exaggerated, I don’t mean the like of caricatures with bloated heads and unnatural minimized bodies that make you laugh. On the contrary, they are exaggerated to the point of, to some people’s eyes, perfection. The hair is always so silky. The skin is, without fail, smooth and in perfect condition. Their teeth are eternally sparkling white. Outfits would be stunning anywhere, anytime. Heck, I don’t think a single flaw could possibly be criticized about ‘coz everything just looks so damn good! The girls of anime could get any real guy in love; horny even! Okay, that was a lie—the flaw part. There is but ONE unique detail that is quite striking about anime but it also makes anime well… anime. This unnatural fragment of anime is, of course, the eyes. Anyone would tell you that anime characters have unusually large eyes and pupils even for cartoons. There is a reason of course but you can research about that yourself :-P

Well, that’s it for appetizer folks! Await the next issue of SPITFIRE – MEAT BALLS OF FIRE! DUM. DUM. DUM. DUUUMMMM!!!!


My sources are (material) (photos) -> I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to cite the creators of the pics! Thank you whoever you guys are!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Honestly, I don't blame the thieves that are rampant throughout the country because their trying to survive in the midst of treachery and corruption; I don't think squatters are to blame when they defend their homes from the people who actually own the land their squatting on; I salute vigilantes that pursue justice when the legal system could do nothing. Don't get me wrong though. I personally want rapists to burn in hell as their raped through their ass and forced to suck c*** while their gonads are eternally pierced with hot pointy metal sticks. But that's just me. And NO, I was not raped, mind you.
The thing I'm trying to say is I don't blame criminals from being...well...criminals.

Those who steal may simply be trying to feed their village, family, or their dying body. Squatters are people without a shelter to defend them from the scorching heat of summer and merciless rains and winds. Who can blame them for making themselves a home on an empty lot where no one at that moment seemed to be occupying the space? (Of course land owners are also right when they make the people move out when they’re about to use the land, but that's a discussion for another time) I understand murderers who kill for the sake of revenge or justice. I pity gamblers/smugglers who end up in prison when they were simply doing it to pay a large debt or to feed their family. The point is, I don't think criminals are to blame for the crime

I am really really annoyed when some hotshot goes around cursing criminals while saying something like: "They deserve to die," without even thinking about the possible reasons why these guys are desperate enough to break the law. But again, if we're talking about rapists (especially rapists who then kills their victims)...arg… don’t get me started with that.

The next level of thinking is kinda obvious--blame the government. After all, if only they played close attention to actually doing their job properly, most of the poor would be out of the streets. If they weren't ignorant of the welfare of the populace, there would be enough jobs for all the people. Citizens wouldn't be forced to steal for the meal of the day. Criminals wouldn't be left unpunished. Justice would be enforced. Everyone would have equal rights and protection. The country wouldn't be one big pool of smugglers and sexual predators. I mean, if there weren't corrupt people to start with who hog all the resources of the country, there wouldn't be a need for people to be corrupt in the first place and all these bad things wouldn't happen.

I know, I know. You're going to say, "Corruption will never disappear. People are greedy, slimy bastards that will take anything they can." Well let me just say, "I believe you! I really do!" But just wait and think for a moment. Why are people like this? Why have pride, treachery, misery, and selfishness become so common that it actually became second nature to people. After all, we're no longer considered animals. We have a conscience. Yes, it is true that we are exposed to a LOT of temptations but as rational and relational beings, it is supposedly natural for us to be mindful of the welfare of others as much as ourselves. In other words, we naturally want the good stuff not just for us, but also for others. So why do we compete? Why do we constantly pull down others so we can emerge the best? Why do we fight for love and other things when we know that it'll eventually hurt others?

Of course, there are a lot of answers to that, but they all boil down to one thing—uncertainty. We are uncertain of the future. We do not know what will happen to us 10 or maybe 20 years from now. We’re not sure whether we will be able to reach the top of our game next time around. We don’t know if we’ll meet that perfect girl ever again. We don’t know if we’ll be happy or comfortable come the near future. So what do we do? We take and we take and we take even if it means hurting someone else.

Now why is that? Why do we end up not caring? We’ll… that really depends from person to person. Personally I would say, “He doesn’t care about me so why should I care about him?” I think most people would say that. However, I think there’s a more logical and fair way of looking at it. We eventually end up not caring because…well… we don’t know. Or rather, we fear what we don’t know. What will happen to me why I meet my unfortunate demise? Some may think. We are uncertain whether or not there is an ultimate consequence at the end of it all. We don’t know whether all the good we could do would actually mean something when we leave this earth. We’re afraid that we won’t be able to enjoy the limited time we have in this world. We don’t care because we’ve already have our hands full caring for ourselves!

Imagine if you’re a doctor that saved many lives in your time in earth. One day you die because of… I dunno… you choked on a pretzel. Anyway, you come before the gates of heaven. Now, along with you, is a rapist who ravaged a hundred children and then killed them without mercy with kitchen forks O_O. Of course one would think that this shitty excuse for a human being would immediately be sent to hell, but lo and behold, the golden gates start to open up. The clouds didn’t open up and send the guy falling down to a pit of fire and eternally tortured or any other stuff like that. Long story short, you both got into heaven; got the same house of gold; the same sparkling pavement in the same celestial neighborhood. Now wouldn’t that just suck? I mean, here you are, someone who worked his ass off saving lives while this rapist here also gets the good life when he dies!? What was all that time, effort, and passion for? You would’ve been better off becoming a corrupt politician that enjoyed his time in office in Hawaii. So, do you still want to be the good guy? (Now don’t argue about having faith in a heaven that shall sort out the good and the bad in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, Amen! I said imagine man… IMAGINE)

I’m not saying everyone, bastards and little angels alike, will eventually get saved. I’m a sixteen year old kid for Pete’s sake. We don’t know what exactly will happen after we bite the dust. This is the big uncertainty that I’m talking about. Because we’re uncertain, we end up thinking about ourselves and forget the rest of the world.

There isn’t much we can do about this. A person will choose to believe what he or she wants to believe and he will do want he wants to do. At this point, everyone just wants to live and be happy. I don’t think there’s an answer to this question so I’ll make a suggestion—Live and be Happy! We’re not very sure what will happen when we do die, whether we’ll burn in hell according to our sins, live eternally in paradise, or be reincarnated and go through life all over again. It is a mystery after all so stop thinking about it and just live. Enjoy the remaining life you have and just try to remember that maybe you’re not the only one who deserves to be happy.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Itsy-bitsy spider went up the water sprout...

For two weeks prior to these last two days, the rain had been falling at around four to five o’ clock. After the first week where rain relentlessly fell everyday on five o’ clock, it was obvious that the leaders of the country had resorted to cloud seeding (scattering truck loads of salt in the atmosphere to make the clouds heavier, thus making it rain) to remedy the on-going problem of drought. Sadly, that proved to be a futile attempt to raise the water levels of the dam. Fortunately, a typhoon started to form just outside the country’s area of responsibility.

Point three (.3) meters. That is how much the dam apparently collected after the downpour today. We weren’t directly hit by the typhoon so I believe that that is the reason why the storm had seemingly no effect. True enough, the rain did not last as long as the typhoons that ravaged the Philippines the previous year. Reports say that it’ll take three more typhoons to resolve the current water shortage. Preferably, the typhoons should take the example of this last one and avoid directly landing on the country’s shores but when have typhoons acted on what we ‘preferred’?

Looking at our current situation, people will starve if another storm doesn’t come. But then again, when a typhoon does come and enters Philippine waters, what’s stopping it from rampaging through a city? We’ve been so worked up on wishing for it to rain while we never thought about what will happen if rain does come. I can’t help but think that people have forgotten the effects of typhoons like Milenyo. I don’t want to believe that the country men who were killed by storms like those have already been overlooked. Hopefully, I’m wrong and people do remember.

Still, the fact remains that we desperately need the water and I’m sure people desperately don’t want to die. What in the world are we going to do then? If it doesn’t rain, we starve. If it does rain, we’ll have to endure a battery of fierce merciless winds and waist-high floods. We won’t have electricity to comfort ourselves at home. Other than that, the crops—the reason why we wanted rain in the first place—would eventually die when the storm pulls up their roots. Either way we go, we’re dead.

I don’t mean to be pessimistic. Everything I said is true whether we like it or not. The reason I’m blabbering away like this is to ask all of us a question: “What the hell are we doing?” We all know these things as a fact. It has been repeated over and over during the past years. Even so, we haven’t come up with a solution to deal with these things. People leave the country exactly because of this! I beseech all of us to build a better today and tomorrow or else, we’re doomed.

Monday, July 30, 2007


There was one particular story that was shared to us by our teacher, a philisophy graduate of the Ateneo de Manila:

A Philisophy teacher held his examination in a empty room. He invited one student inside and started the test. He told the student, "Prove to me that the chair exists."

Seeing a chair in front of him, the student started spouting out all sorts of philisophical ideas to prove that the chair exists. After all his arguments and proving was over, the teacher said, "No, you still haven't proved to me that the chair exists." With that, the professor sent the student out, then he invited yet another student inside the room. For a while, all the students was not able to produce a satisfying answer but all that stopped when one particular student entered the room.

Once again, the professor asked, "Proved to me that the chair exists." He held his classlist and waited for the student to answer. He was wondering what kind of philosophical argument the student would make. Apparently, he wasn't seeing any hope of hearing a right answer. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, a chair came flying towards his head. Sprawled on the ground, the professor heard a faint whisper, "You feel that boy? Hurt's doesn't it? If, for some wacked out reason, you didn't know, CHAIRS hurt when you get hit by 'em" Just before he fainted, the professor marked a big A next to the student's name.

Smart kid huh?

Obviously, that wasn't the real ending. What the student actually answered was...

"What chair?" The professor almost pointed to the chair sitting in front of him when he realized what the student had answered. The professor marked a big 'A' beside the student's name and let him go home.

For those who didn't get it, by asking: "What chair?" The professor was forced to point out the chair he was referring to thus, the student turned the tables around and made the professor prove to himself that the chair exists.

I don't know if the kid really thought about that answer or if he simply wanted to ask which chair the professor was referring to and just got lucky. Nevertheless, if he did mean to ask that question to perfectly answer the professor, then (due to the lack of a better expression) OMG (Oh My God)!

It's a perfect example of open-mindedness and thinking outside the box. If everyone would approach every problem with the same level of swift intellectual thinking then world peace woundn't be but a distant dream.

On a seperate note,

Hitting the professor with the chair was also a correct answer. Although, it would've knocked him unconcious and if it didn't, you would've just gotten him mad. Swinging the chair is a good answer but repercussions follow it. Finding the best answer is a different story.

The country, as it is now, should find and foster people who can find the best answer because we desperately need them. Hopefully, when these people emerge, an unfortunate incident like Agapito Flores' won't be repeated.

Monday, July 23, 2007

To believe or not to believe--That is the question

Our president just held a SONA (State of the Nation Address) today. I didn't really hear the most of it but one line stuck to me: "Graft can't be gone in one night but we're making progress." I don't think I have to explain the irony of the that particular line to anyone. I hate that line... every word of it. Imagine the arrogance and cockiness of that person. You can't say that we're close to eradicating graft! Are you saying that you CAN eliminate graft... don't make me laugh. Try talking a walk out of you comfortable air-conditioned room for a change.

Yes... I know... Some of you may disagree with my completely arrogant one-side evaluation and rant with regards to my dear president's speech. We'll, there isn't really anything you can do about it cause a guy's allowed to state his/her opinions as long as he/she doesn't humiliate the victim enough to get himself/herself shot the next day. But, imagine a person saying he won't copy your homework and then, lo and behold, when your not looking he snatches your math paper and starts copying away. Who in the right mind would believe him/HER ever again? 'nuff said

Sunday, July 15, 2007

What defines me?

This year is my last year as a high school student. Consequently, this year of freedom and excitement comes with college application forms and exams. Speaking of application forms, the Ateneo de Manila application form requires an essay answering the question: 'What defines me?'

At first, I thought it was a really stupid question. I was thinking, "Wouldn't it be better to ask a question like, 'what is the meaning of life' or 'what would you do with great knowledge and power'?" Then, the more I thought about the question, the more I appreciated it. It seemed to make me think about what I had done in the past; what good and bad deeds I did; the things I let happen; other instances that I regret. Is this review of conscience what the big guys of the school board intended? Maybe...

So what does define me as a person?

I wanted to be a bit philosophical and look cool by saying, "Every single day defines me as person. Humans are beings of evolution and thus, change. Every person I encounter; Every move I make; Every decision I decide; Every drop of rain that falls on my head transforms me into something better." Although what I just said is very true, it's obvious that I'm just making something up because I don't have any life-changing moments that I can share. I've search deep into my memory of something that changed me as a person but they're either so boring that I they'll bore myself to death or they just don't fit the situation.

Life is a mystery. Even if we do change and improve our skills and talents to the point of perfection, some miraculous event would occur and beat that cockiness out of us. It happens to all of us. So, what defines a person then if we can't reach perfection? What can be your one single trait that will only belong to you, ergo defines you? It makes my head hurt just thing about it @_@

In the end, all that matters is love. I heard that or maybe read that somewhere; I forget. All that matters is love. So maybe that's the answer. Love

Saturday, April 28, 2007

A fiery start

This is MY blog, not yours, not the goverment's, not the church's, but mine. I'll say what I want to say. I'll write what I want to write. I'll post whenever I want to post. I don't care what you think of me and I care less what you think about my posts. If you don't like it, fine. Your opinion doesn't really matter. That goes the same for me. The only thing I would like to be critisized for is my grammar and writing style. Anything other than that, take it to someone who'll listen. It is common courtesy to listen to anyone and their opinion but courtesy doesn't really exists here so I'm sorry. I'll end with that.